Tuesdays, February 20-March 26, 7-8:30pm
8 Limbs Livestream
The Koshas, also called sheaths, or dimension, are a system in yogic philosophy that can assist in understanding the totality of the human existence. The Taittiriya Upanisad describes five layers, or sheaths, that cover the soul. From the gross inward to the subtle, these layers are what can keep us from our highest potential when not clear or transparent. Like lampshades over a bulb, they can obscure our inner light, keeping us from discovering and living from our true nature. Ancient texts described our highest potential as lightness of body, the ability to withstand change, and a stable and focused mind, ready to sit for pranayama and meditation practice.
In this class we will discuss the five koshas individually and link to each an aspect of yoga practice that addresses the health and clarify of that sheath and can unveil your fullest potential. You will walk away with practical tools and a useful map to help you find your way to your true self. Open to all levels of yoga experience. Each class will contain a short practice, lecture, and space for reflection.
Registration is now available here.